Clinic Policies-Procedures-Inclusivity

COVID-19 Protocols

I am comfortable with masking if it is necessary, or if it makes you feel more comfortable being in the space!

Inclusion Statement

Equalize Massage Therapy maintains a strict policy on diversity, equality and inclusion. I recognize that systemic biases and inequities persist for Indigenous Peoples, disabled persons, people of color, the neurodivergent, the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, women, and many others who experience stigma and discrimination.

Everyone in the aforementioned groups are welcome, seen and celebrated when in my space. Language and threads of conversation that attempt to malign/make fun of/put down/make jokes about these groups of people will not be tolerated.

Cancellation Policy

Your appointment time is reserved especially for you, and late cancellations leave a gap in my day that cannot be filled. Any appointments cancelled within 24 hours will be charged in full.